Issue 32: Going free

October 14, 2023

Dearest reader,

I trust this letter reaches you as it leaves me, in good health. I’ve decided to turn off paid subscriptions for this newsletter and make it an unconditionally free and open project1. When I revived this newsletter back in March, I was between jobs, had no income, and was actively exploring ways to possibly earn money through creative work online. It’s hard to express how meaningful it was to not only learn that some of you seemed to enjoy reading these weekly musings, but that some of you were also willing to pay me for them. Today’s letter marks thirty-two weeks since I started sharing these letters and I want to say thank you to everyone who’s been following along thus far. The act of sitting down to write these notes has become a ritual I now look forward to each week, it makes me feel more connected with many of you, and I hope to continue this project for as long as it feels like a positive and energizing force in my life and, I hope, yours. Making it free will, I also hope, make it more free.

Beit Jala, Palestine. 2018.


  1. Today’s letter is very much inspired by a similar post written and shared by a close friend of mine.